Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mango Jam

The first time I had this jam was when my mother in law had made some from the mangoes at their house. I loved this jam so much that I started having it with everything adai, chapati and trust me you would feel like doing this too.

Preparation Time : 15 minutes
Cooking Time : 10 minutes


Raw Mango - 4 grated
Sugar - 3/4 th cup
Salt - a pinch
Elaichi / Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp
Chilli powder -1/4 tsp
Watermelon seeds - 1/2 tbsp


1. Mix the grated mango and sugar in a large vessel / bowl.
2. It will start watering.
3. Leave it in the sun for two days stirring occasionally with a dry wooden spoon.
4. On day three, keep it on a flame and make sure you cook it till there is no water content.
5. While cooking add the elaichi powder, chilli powder, salt and the watermelon seeds.
6. Cool and refreigerate in a dry bottle. Handle with a dry spoon always.
7. Unlike commercial jams, this won't harden and tastes absolutely heavenly.

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